Sotalol - Dosing Application Visualization

The purpose of this application is two fold. First, to visualize the dosing regimen in terms of time to steady state concentrations for an IV to Oral switch of Sotalol. The second goal is to provide a simple pediatric dosing calculator based on body weight instead of body surface area.

I'm using plotly.js to generate the plot that you will find on the "IV/Oral Switch" tab. The data driving the plots are generated using a JavaScript implementation of the analytical solutions for the differential two compartment model from this paper written by Ahmad Abuhelwa from the University of South Australia.

The pediatric calculator is using the Costeff Body Surface Area equation: \[ BSA = \frac{(4*Weight+7)}{90+Weight} \]

Check out the prototype app here.

Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN) - Pain Score Prediction


The purpose of this project was to develop a user friendly application for clinicians to quickly predict CIPN scores for different doses of chemotheraputic drugs. The mobile app takes in a few historical dosing/score parameters as well as a new regimen for which to predict. A bayesian algorithm on the backend makes predictions about how changes to the dosing regimen will effect the CIPN score for the new regimen.


The app is currenlty in closed beta. Email me with a request for Android Beta acces here. In the meantime, here are some screenshots of the app.
The mobile app was built using Ionic/Angular/Cordova



Jobs submitted from the app are captured but a Node.js RESP endpoint and held in a MySQL database queue.


The backend is a simple python script that pull jobs from the queue (first in first out) and submits the jobs to a small cluster (Sun Grid Engine). The jobs are NONMEM control streams and the only variable between jobs is the dataset provided to the control stream.

CHA2DS2VASc and Creatinine Clearance Calculator

The purpose of this application is to provide a simple CHA2DS2VASc score calculator for Atrial Fibrilation and Stroke Risk. The CHA2DS2VASc score is used to determine whether or not anticoagulation therapy is needed. Check out the wiki page for some more info. The app also provices a creatinine clearance caclulator which uses the Cockcroft-Gault Equation: \[ CrCl = \frac{(140-Age)*Weight(kg)}{72*SCr} \]

Check it out on the play store here.

Analytical Instrument Management System (AIMS)

The application started out as an instrument booking platform for the Mass Spectrometry Center at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) School of Pharmacy. It proptly proceeded to morph into a full blown LIMS style platform that was used for several years. The platform features booking, fee-for-service request submission, instrument/user management, training, invoicing, and usage statistics.

I built this application using PHP but did not use a framework. I actually hadn't written a single line of PHP prior to developing it. The backing consists of a coulple dozen relational tables.

You can check out a demo here but I don't have caching turned on so the page loads are a little glitchy. On a lightly tuned production server it was runny smoothly. Another group at the UMB is currelty running it on a Raspberry Pi that I setup for them.

Its also on github here


I wrote a tiny konami code JavaScript library. When called without parameters it defualts to producing console logged as well as alerted "Konami!" following the canonical code

Konami may also be called with a specific code sequence (as an array of strings) and a function that should be run when the code is detected.